How to get rid of papilloma virus on the body

It is impossible to find a person without papillomas. This formation on the skin can cause serious discomfort and become a cosmetic defect.

In this article we will look in detail at what papillomas are and how dermatologists advise to deal with them. It is important to remember that each case is unique and requires prior consultation with a doctor. We absolutely do not recommend treating or removing papillomas yourself.

What is a papilloma?

Papilloma is a viral disease caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). You can become infected with it through simple household contact, using shared towels or washcloths.

A prerequisite for infection is a decrease in immunity or the presence of wounds and ulcers on the body. And one small neoplasm eventually spreads throughout the body with many condylomas - genital warts. They, in turn, not only create cosmetic defects, but also further reduce immunity.

Do papillomas need to be treated?

If you have papilloma (warts), it requires combined therapy, sometimes long and difficult.

Before starting therapy, be sure to consult your doctor to determine the type and confirm the benign nature of the formation, and conduct a series of studies, because for the fastest and most effective treatment, it is necessary to establish the type of pathogen.

It is also necessary to choose the most gentle and effective method to remove formations, prevent scars, scars and skin defects.

Where are papillomas most often found?

Human papillomavirus has more than 170 strains. Some of them cause warts and condylomas which are not dangerous at all. And some can cause cancer. Therefore, at present, the infectious cause of dysplasia and cervical cancer has been proven, and the viral nature of rectal cancer and perianal area is being considered.

The most common warts are on the hands and feet, and condylomas are on the genitals and head. For men, the most common location is the armpit, for women - the neck, chest, and the skin under the mammary glands.

How to get rid of papilloma?

how to get rid of papilloma on the body

Treatment of any form of neoplasm caused by HPV involves direct action on the papilloma with local drugs and the use of antiviral/immunomodulatory agents. If drug therapy does not lead to recovery, surgical methods are used to target the formation. Simple mechanical removal with a scalpel, as well as with an electric knife, laser, or liquid nitrogen is possible.

Medicines for the treatment of papillomas on the body are divided into three large groups:

  1. Local drugs: creams, solutions, gels, ointments for local application (keratolytics and necrotizing);
  2. Immunomodulators;
  3. Local and general antiviral drugs.

How to remove papilloma?

Gel and ointment for papilloma

Keratolytics are medications that are applied directly to warts, softening them and exfoliating them. Pharmacy offers salicylic acid, various acids and enzymes that soften the skin in education. The active component effectively combats the virus strain, but often several courses of treatment are required.

Necrotizing drugs are drugs that cause the death of cells affected by the virus. They are also used on the papilloma itself, but the peculiarity of these products is that they can leave a rather large defect, a scar on the body after the wart is removed.

The best medicine for papilloma is an antiviral drug

Another group of drugs for the treatment of papilloma is antiviral drugs. There are two types: local and general. Topical medication is applied directly to the affected area and around the wart. The most famous is oxolinic ointment. Interferon also has local antiviral properties. All drugs from this group are used on warts and kill the virus itself in the affected cells.

Before using the local medicine, the skin must be treated with an antiseptic solution. Also, a rich nourishing cream or Vaseline ointment should be used on the skin around the papilloma to prevent burns from the active components of healthy tissue.

How to cure papilloma - immunomodulators

For combined treatment, antiviral tablets and immunomodulators (drugs that increase immunity) are used.

Drugs that stimulate the immune system and increase the body's defenses by "forcing" immune cells to produce immunoglobulins, or immunoglobulins themselves, are similar to humans. All tablets for papilloma pass through the liver and kidneys; People with diseases of these organs should be careful when taking substances from this group.

HPV requires mandatory qualified treatment, because its effects on the human body have not been fully established. Improper use of home remedies can lead to the formation of deep ulcers, scarring and the risk of viral infection in the surrounding healthy tissue. To minimize the risk of getting a disease caused by HPV, see your doctor and follow the prescribed treatment plan.